P&C Sports Program
Recognising the importance of sport participation, our P&C Sport Program offers a wide range of sports for our school community to participate in. These sports complement the in-school offering that takes place during school hours. The P&C Sports Program focused on participation, friendships and teamwork.
Sports Volunteers
The success of the P&C Sports Program is due to the active participation of parents with the organisation and management of each sport being mostly run by parent volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers to assist as a committee member, team manager, umpire or coach. If you would like to volunteer, or you would like to champion a new sport not listed, please contact the Sports Committee at sports@cammeraygalpandc.org.au
Speed & Agility
Football (Soccer)
NSBA Competition One: Jan to June 2025. Entries close Dec 2024
NSBA Competition Two: July to Dec 2025. Entries close June 2025
NSNA Competition: Mar to Sept 2025. Entries close early Feb 2025
All year round
Term to term
Winter season
Click here to register your interest for any of the P&C Sports.
All sports have limited team numbers and are typically filled by January.
Your prompt registration and payment is appreciated.
A note on school sports ...
The school is a strong supporter of sport. The school has designated Wednesdays as ‘sport day.’ On sport day, children attend a few academic classes and spend half the day participating in sports of their choosing (which changes each Term). They wear their school sport uniform all day.
In the first term of Y7, the school organises general sports activities for the students. Typically, from Term 2, your Y7 child will be asked to register a sport choice on a term-by-term basis for their Wednesday sport.
The sport day is separate from Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) classes, which are rotated in the A/B fortnightly schedule. Your child will require their sports uniform on these days, changing at school.
There may also be the opportunity for your child to join intramural sports called KO (Knockout) Sports. These are short 'in school hours' competitions whereby teams play until they lose a game, and are ‘knocked out’ of the competition. he competition.